Monday, June 11, 2012

Visa limbo

Monday, June 11, 2012
T-minus 4 days to Japan.

Now, we are in visa limbo. I always heard about these limbo visa states and wondered what that must be like. What torture. Terrible, painful unknowing torture. But in fact, at this point, I really don't care. I will not be leaving my daughter in the US, you can imagine where I might suggest 'they' put there visa's, certificates and paperwork at this point.

Let it be known that I had intimations it might happen this way, but shh, don't mention that to the male half ;)
The sticking point is that Elizabeth is not Kurt's biological daughter (gasp!).  I can get a visa through Kurt but Elizabeth can't because I would be her sponsor and I don't actually hold a visa myself.  The really ridiculous part of this is that initially we sent all the documents over to Japan for all 3 of us.  But they were unable to issue the documents for Elizabeth and sent us to the embassy saying it would get fixed here.  Guess what?  They won't do anything without the certificate from Japan.  Wow, and I thought the bureaucracy was bad in the US. 
So tonight we review all possible solutions to this predicament.  What fun.  Not what I thought I'd be doing 4 days before I left for Japan.  All previous logistical data is out the window, let's start basically all over again.  Let's do another cost analysis to compare the benefits and expenses just one more time.  Just because I'm bored and have nothing else to do 4 days before leaving the country for a supposedly year.  Which has been planned out to the nitpicking details for the past 4 months in excruciating, agonizingly painful detail with contingency plans.  Sigh.