Monday, October 1, 2012

Getting back on track

It will be 2 weeks tomorrow since I took the GRE and my life finally restarted.  It took a week just to stop and breathe so that I could feel normal again.  Then we naturally had to have a detour of conjunctivitis along with a few other minor maladies to make last week more interesting.  And today was a wrap up of those family maladies, so maybe now I will be able to get back to posting about...

E losing 2 teeth in 2 days so her new nickname is TOOTHLESS is in the How to Train Your Dragon character.  The 2 teeth are top-bottom pairs.  It makes for a fantastically funny photo.

Fun planning of the upcoming move back to the US which will be about 6-7 weeks earlier then originally planned.  Don't get excited yet, we still aren't leaving until the end of March and we are still going to Singapore next summer.

Now that we have all of our visas, permissions, etc and are able to travel, the lack of travel because we have been buried under paperwork and work.  How ironic.

E's new obsession with bug hunting and identification.  There are house rules though, don't quake in your boots just yet.  She has brought home some curious ones though.

A riveting conversation I had with a Japanese woman about my age who grew up next to Hiroshima prefecture.  Cultural comparisons of educational systems too, she is married to a Brit and has 2 kids.

The last party, which had an international flare, that we attended.  It took us 3-4 days to recover both mentally and physically.  I won't be doing that again for several months or more.  Ouch.

How I missed notification that a Cat 1 or 2 typhoon was coming through here last night.  I even blissfully sent my husband off on the 2.5 hour airport train ride totally unaware of the weather problems.  Poor guy, if he ever thinks I have it out for him this could be evidence.

Oh so many things, cultural and otherwise, to talk about.  I miss having conversations with intelligent and sane people.  Besides my husband who is usually too busy to have many conversations that stretch into 3 sentences, that leaves the 6 year old who can hold her own for about 2 sentences.  I keep telling her questions don't count as sentences.  She just keeps on asking them though.  Sigh.  I miss my friends and some of my family.  ;-)

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