Monday, April 9, 2012

Famous Elizabeth Days...

Oh famous days...

We have developed a new policy at home where if anyone (specifically Elizabeth) leaves personal items in the living areas of the house, they get charged a 10 cent fine (Thanks to Valerie for such a great idea!).  Kurt, since 10 cents is such a meager charge for him, has to do extra kitchen clean-up.  This has been working to keep things cleaned up and put away around the house.

Tonight, I walked into E's room, looked around and proceeded to lecture Elizabeth that if she didn't clean up her room by dinner time the next day, she would have to pay me a $1 fine for a messy room.  After a few hems and haws, clarifications, etc, I ask E for the second time if she understands.  She gives an affirmation.  Then E follows this up with, "...and if I don't feel like doing it Mom, I'll pay you $2."


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