Sunday, April 15, 2012

In which much is revealed

April 15, 2012

I got the results of my blood work and they were even better then I had hoped.  Finally.  I am actually below the diagnostic levels where RA could accurately be diagnosed without a previous history of RA.  The rheumatologist was shocked, I was all smiles.  I am so glad Kurt goes with me to these appointments, I really don't like this doctor very much at all.  I am still celiac, always will be, but at least RA may be playing a reduced factor in my future.

We purchased plane tickets for Japan, so the move is official official at the cost of $5200+.  We leave June 15th.  We now have exactly 61 days.  Of those 61 days, we will only be in Boston (and thus able to pack/prepare) for another 35 days.  We leave this Wednesday for Adam and Enny's wedding in NOLA.  And Elizabeth goes to her father afterwards to begin her 6 week visit.  So, ostensibly, I should have 27 days to complete federal & state taxes, medical documents for Japan, packing and shipping household goods, preparing the condo for rental and remembering all those other things I want/need to do before leaving for Japan WITHOUT caring 24/7 for a needy, demanding, difficult 6 year old.  And this past week, she has been very difficult.

It doesn't help that we both got sick at the end of last week while Kurt was off to California for a conference.  It doesn't help that Elizabeth woke me Saturday morning in near febrile seizures (which she is prone to at temps over 102) and I was a bit out of it myself.  It certainly doesn't make things any better that she had a 104 degree temp most of Saturday, that I was beginning to worry about her a lot.  I dragged her out of the house in early Saturday afternoon when her temperature was as low as I could get it, to the health store to see what they could offer me for viral/flu/cold in either homeopathy or herbs.  We came home quickly, but the traffic slowed us down a lot.  By the time I got her home, her fever was back up.  Into a lavender flower bath with chamomile tea bags, wrapped her up in warm pjs,  plied her with chamomile tea and honey and anything I could get her to eat short of candy, and turned on Star Wars: A New Hope (episode 4).  I had decided it was high time to introduce her to Star Wars and this was prime time since she would sit still.  For a girl with her energy, E was downright catatonic from the fever/illness.  She went to sleep in my bed that night and slept, thankfully, the whole night.  And I played Easter Bunny for Sunday.

Sunday E and I cooked most of the day since it was Easter.  First I put the roast in to marinate.  Then we dyed eggs.  This was my first attempt at a lamb roast and gluten-free rolls.  Kurt got home from the airport about 6.  We had tomatoes with basil leaves and balsamic vinegarette as an appetizer.  Then Kurt took E out for the annual egg hunt while I finished dinner and made a gluten-free chocolate cake (per E's multiple requests).  Then we had dinner, it was delicious, while we continued watching Star Wars.  Dessert was also very good.

Monday, E started again with a fever but not as high.  Tuesday was not much better.  Lots of crying and whining, complaining and carrying on.  Tuesday night, E was getting better and Kurt said he wasn't feeling so great.  Wednesday night, Thursday and Friday Kurt was down and out with whatever this illness was (we assume flu).  I still had not gotten sick.  I thought I had skated by.  But no such luck.  Saturday night, I had a low-grade fever and I went to bed early.  E started crying sometime right after I had fallen asleep and then I couldn't go back to sleep for several hours.  Today I am better, but low on energy and I have had a headache all day.  I sure hope I am better tomorrow because at some point I have to pack for the trip this week.

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