Wednesday, April 25, 2012

NOLA and B in B

Ahh, what a trip to New Orleans.  It was fun, busy, fantastic, good food, fabulous people.  The wedding was a blast (I sure hope the bride and groom enjoyed it, they seemed very occupied with all the things to be done at the event) and it was a beautiful day.  I was able to see many old friends and visit with family.  Kurt attempted, twice, to keep up with the natives but alcohol is just not his forte.  The first attempt landed him on the sofa of little brother's living room until we headed back to my parents house at about 1 am on Friday morning.  The second attempt left him ill for 2 days.  I'm not sure if it was the alcohol or virus/flu.  We did make it to the French Quarter on Monday for a short visit and lunch with a favorite cousin.  But the driving was brutal because we were staying at the parents house 1 hour north.  So we ended up driving back and forth Thursday, Sunday and Monday.  I used to make this drive many times a week but this time I was dreading the commute on Monday.  I feel like a human ping pong ball bouncing along I-10, back and forth, back and forth.  It was worth it though, many of the people I visited I shall not see for a year or more.  Sadly I realized that since we will not be able to attend the next wedding (my niece is getting married in June just after we leave for Japan) it may very well be a funeral the relatives gather for the next time.  My cousin Michelle pointed out that I am one of only a very few of our family who live outside of Louisiana.  And one other cousin that lives outside of the home state spends as much time as possible and plans to retire to New Orleans in another several years.  I wonder if I will feel that way about New Orleans in another 15 years.

Back in Boston (B in B) as of 1030 last night.  And now we are down to the 3 week 2 day countdown.  This is the time when I am accomplishing vast quantities of work and wondering how the hell I'm going to get it all done.  We walked in the door last night about 1130 and I immediately felt overwhelmed (of course the condo is a mess from the initial phases of packing).  I had to make a short list: 1) complete statistics final project  2) file all taxes  3) pack for shipment to Japan  4)  Paperwork for medications for Japan  5)  Finish E's homeschooling  6)  Move/pack condo into E's room.  I shant worry about all of it now, but I shall immediately commence with the final project because it is due in 2.5 days...and so I'm off!

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