Monday, October 1, 2012

Getting back on track

It will be 2 weeks tomorrow since I took the GRE and my life finally restarted.  It took a week just to stop and breathe so that I could feel normal again.  Then we naturally had to have a detour of conjunctivitis along with a few other minor maladies to make last week more interesting.  And today was a wrap up of those family maladies, so maybe now I will be able to get back to posting about...

E losing 2 teeth in 2 days so her new nickname is TOOTHLESS is in the How to Train Your Dragon character.  The 2 teeth are top-bottom pairs.  It makes for a fantastically funny photo.

Fun planning of the upcoming move back to the US which will be about 6-7 weeks earlier then originally planned.  Don't get excited yet, we still aren't leaving until the end of March and we are still going to Singapore next summer.

Now that we have all of our visas, permissions, etc and are able to travel, the lack of travel because we have been buried under paperwork and work.  How ironic.

E's new obsession with bug hunting and identification.  There are house rules though, don't quake in your boots just yet.  She has brought home some curious ones though.

A riveting conversation I had with a Japanese woman about my age who grew up next to Hiroshima prefecture.  Cultural comparisons of educational systems too, she is married to a Brit and has 2 kids.

The last party, which had an international flare, that we attended.  It took us 3-4 days to recover both mentally and physically.  I won't be doing that again for several months or more.  Ouch.

How I missed notification that a Cat 1 or 2 typhoon was coming through here last night.  I even blissfully sent my husband off on the 2.5 hour airport train ride totally unaware of the weather problems.  Poor guy, if he ever thinks I have it out for him this could be evidence.

Oh so many things, cultural and otherwise, to talk about.  I miss having conversations with intelligent and sane people.  Besides my husband who is usually too busy to have many conversations that stretch into 3 sentences, that leaves the 6 year old who can hold her own for about 2 sentences.  I keep telling her questions don't count as sentences.  She just keeps on asking them though.  Sigh.  I miss my friends and some of my family.  ;-)

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Tokyo Tower Trip on August 20, 2012

I finally figured out how to post pictures and caption them!

Looking down through the skylight in Tokyo tower.  Makes me a little whoozy.

The pink 'umbrella-ed' physicist

Toyko Tower

A park next to Tokyo Tower (and in the middle of Tokyo)

Baskin Robbins in Tokyo!

Same park next to Tokyo Tower.  Japanese really know how to make beautiful parks

Happy happy child, with ice cream

Rabid child after ice cream

3D trick art museum in Tokyo Tower

There is an aweful lot of green space in the center of Tokyo

So far, my favorite souvenir from Tokyo, engraved with names of participants and date
Aquarium in Tokyo Tower...Who is watching Whom?

And upside down fish...and the other one of this species was also like this

Oh happy day, a splash pool at the aquarium

Jelly Fish in Tokyo Tower Aquarium

Just like the eels in The Little Mermaid, complete with white eyes

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

My apologies

2 months today since arrival.  Its been fast, slow, pain, blissful...well, not so much in the blissful category.

This will be a short and sweet post.  I am preparing to take my GRE's in Tokyo on September 18th and I am studying like a mad, crazy, insane woman.  The best I can do right now is feed my family, check in on Facebook with some photos of interesting things in Japan and study, study, study.

Just for a quick update, we are still waiting on E's visa.  And, ironically, we are still waiting for our alien registration cards which we need for a whole plethora of official documents (like opening a bank account for paychecks and paying Japan taxes!).  It seems I will have to give up one of my precious study days to go back to the dreaded Immigration Office.  You know, the one that is 3 trains and 2 hours each way?  And we both, Kurt and I, have to go.  So that means we have to bring E because school is still out.  Sigh.

But, when I return on September prepared...there is never a shortage in things happening...even when I am putting everything else on hold.  I am taking notes....on paper, because I'll never remember anything else during my GRE prep time!


Sunday, July 29, 2012

Week 3, 4 and 5: school, medicine, paperwork and the saki bar

In week 3 Elizabeth started going to school on her own.  Finally, I had time to actually start doing some of the things I planned to do while I was in Japan.  And as luck would have it, there was a parent-teacher conference at the school.  It was, most certainly, all in Japanese.  I did have a translator with me, but I don't think I have ever felt so useless as I did in that meeting.  The teacher introduced me quite suddenly in the middle of the meeting to all of the other parents in the room.  I had to stand up, and was expected to say something.  Improvisation has not usually been my strong suit when I am tense even in my native language, so something terse that was polite came out of my mouth but I don't have a clue what it was.  And Elizabeth had her first ear infection this week which meant we had to explore the realm of children's medical care in Japan.  I had already meant my new Rheumatologist a week before and had an excellent experience with her.  We also got to visit the closest Immigration Office, which was a 20 minute walk, 3 train rides which took an 1.5 hours, and another 20 minute walk to get to the office and reverse direction to return home.  But before we could get to the office, they went on lunch break.  So we had to wait the hour out and entertain Elizabeth while feeding her the little bit of gluten free food we had brought.  This was a poorly planned trip, it really was the worse excursion planning we have had in Japan.  When we finally got to the first desk (first of 3), Kurt had a lengthy discussion in which we learned that the form that was filled out by the company Kurt works for, with all of the attendant documentation including digital picture, was the wrong paperwork for E's visa.   They gave us a different 8 page, front and back form to fill out along with a few different documentation requirements.  We were in that office a total of 40 minutes and after the entire trip, it took us most of the day to go there and return and now we had to go back again!  When I said I wanted to experience culture in Japan, I did NOT mean the Immigration Office and the trains.

Week 4 was blissfully less time at E's elementary school and more time to get the pile of paperwork settled down to a reasonable mountain.  I believe we ended up at the City Hall at least twice during this week for various visa and health insurance reasons as well as returning to the Immigration Office.  It was more then a bit frustrating to be emailed and told that we had to return to City Hall once again to complete some other form or turn in some piece of paperwork.  The total mind-blower was the trip Kurt and I made to City Hall to bring them a carbon copy of a form we originally filled out and filed in that office building.  The request came from a different office in the building (same floor, just next door!) and apparently they were unable to acquire the information from the other office.  This just totally ticked me off because not only is this a complete and utter waste of time, but I already had to walk E to school in the heat and humidity and now I had to go in the opposite direction (right past our apartment) to bring this form in and we both had to appear.  Utter ridiculousness.  But the Immigration Office in week 5 was by far the worst.  Kurt returned with the second form filled out and all the possible documentation they could want.  And guess what, it was the wrong form too.  But thankfully, since the form is entirely in Japanese and the officer knew Kurt had already been there once, the officer helped him fill out the supposedly correct form and submit it.  I wonder if will really be the right form.  We should find out in 1-2 months.  Nothing like some suspense in life to keep things interesting.  But at least the officials have been very courteous and helpful.

Week 5, was fortunately a true improvement over week 3 and 4.  Although I had to bring E to the ENT several times during week 4 and 5 for the ear infection, this was a much better and shorter amount of time to waste then the City Hall or the Immigration Office.  This is how Kurt got elected to go to the Immigration Office alone the second time, so that I could bring E to the ENT 3-4 times this week.  This is also the last week of school for E until September 3rd.  Much to our surprise (and chagrin), we learned that there is a 5 week break in school during the summer in which they still go to the school swimming pool 2-3 times a week for required class time.  What exactly is the point here, are we tethered to school or not?  A bit frustrating to the parents who were finally starting to enjoy the fruits of that 630 am wake up and get-ready-for-school routine.  We also heard that our boxes were arriving from Boston this week, which was the cause of much joyous celebration for the 6 year old.  Seems that she was tired of playing with the 10 or so toys she had for the 4 weeks we had been in Japan.  But, by the end of the 4 weeks, she was really appreciating those newly arrived toys and books.  I don't think Kurt nor I saw her for 3 or 4 days other then at meals since she was off of school by the time the boxes actually arrived.  I was barely able to get the boxes open to verify what was in them before she would scuttle off with the entire box.  So E ended up having a few (several) things in her room that didn't quite belong, like a hard drive, a few of my books, a small hammer, a pair of pliers and a garlic press to name a few.  I walked into her room to see how bad the mess was, and to figure out how I was going to contain said disaster.  The disaster was certainly there and the garlic press was in the middle of the floor like all of the other toys scattered around.  I was wondering to myself why it was there and what she could have possibly wanted with a garlic press when I realized I needed to check her boxes for other misplaced items.

We ended Week 5 by going to our first saki bar with our neighbor and one of Kurt's Japanese associates whom he has not seen in 10 years.  Yes, we took E too.  It was the family friendly sort of bar I was told by the neighbor who had suggested it.  And it was a fascinating and enchanting experience.  The bar only had 8 seats and covered about a 20 foot by 10 foot area.  The walls floor to ceiling were packed with various types of liquor and in between were all these miniature statues and various curious knickknacks.  I have never seen a bar quite like this one.  Every time I looked around, I would see something else I had not noticed before.  The master of the bar only speaks Japanese, and lucky for us, our neighbor knows him well and speaks enough Japanese to get by better than we would.  The master first served Kurt and me saki champagne.  It was very different, tingly like champagne, not bitter and not sweet.  I am not a big fan of carbonation though so we moved on quickly.  We tried 7 or 8 different types of saki, both ones the master recommended and some our neighbor had tried and enjoyed.  I tried saki from all over Japan and the variety was astounding.  I did not know saki could have as much variation with only 3 ingredients.  In between tastings, the master served different types of Japanese snack food like sushi, sashimi, sea urchin eggs and seaweed, mango pudding for E, melon with whiskey and kelp chips.  The master's specialty is Japanese whiskey and although I would have loved to try it, whiskey is one of those questionable alcohols that may or may not be made with grains containing gluten.  I think I will just stick with exploring saki for now, in all of the myriad variations available, in the most interesting bar I have ever been in.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Week 1-2, Japan

Immediately upon arriving, I wanted a shower and food.  It was 9 pm Saturday night and dear ole Kurt went out to find the food, and I tried to figure out what was up with the hot water.  When I turn on the hot water, no hot water actually comes from the tap.  But the entire rest of the apartment was set-up for us.  There were 2 towels, sheets, duvets and blankets for 3 beds, a kitchen towel and a roll of toilet paper, which was more then I actually expected.  I did pack a towel for the 3 of us to share the first night.  But, I couldn't locate the switch or button or even the unit of hot water.  No shower for me, made the beds, ate something we thought was gluten-free and went to bed.  And slept like a rock even though the bed was as hard as a rock.

On Sunday, day 1, Kurt made contact with one of the 3 people we vaguely knew before coming to Japan to ask about the hot water heater.  Paul was so helpful.  The hot water heater is electric and is controlled by a panel on the wall near the kitchen, which is labeled in Japanese of course.  The gas stove was also tricky, but it is at least, gas.  The flame is so high that I could easily singe my eyebrows on a regular basis if I so desired or, more likely, was not paying attention.  There is no oven, much to my chagrin.  My oven in Boston is a primary source of meals for us and we did ask during negotiations and were told "Everything is provided."  This is the standard answer we received on many, many questions about what we could expect in Japan.  Now, it's even laughable.  We do have 5 plates, 4 dessert plates, 4 forks, 4 spoons, 4 butter knives, 4 juice sized glasses, 4 tiny tea cups, 1 chef knife, 1 shorter knife and something we now know is a dish rack.  There were also 1 pot, 1 pan, 1 huge plastic bowl and 1 smaller stainless steel bowl and a strainer.  So all in all, the kitchen was OK, except for the missing oven and no measuring devices.  There is a tiny toaster oven which doesn't do much but can toast bread and bake french fries.  If I had known what to expect, I would have chosen what I shipped a bit differently, including a can opener that can not be mistaken for a weapon and also removes the first third of the can.  The can opener provided reminds me of exactly the type that Popeye uses in his cartoons to open his spinach and it takes about as much strength and coordination.  It can be comical and hair-raising, but mostly we are taking unnecessary risks with our fingers when we have to use the contraption.

One big improvement is the washer and dryer in the apartment.  It's small, but I can work with that. Much of our laundry is hung outside on hangers to dry in an effort to save money.  In general, we have a 2 bedroom apartment with kitchen, dining room and bathing room.  I think the grand total if space is about 650 sq feet. There is a lot of storage, more then what we have in my apartment in Boston, but which is totally useless here. Tenants in the building are only allowed to stay for 1 year.  It just makes me wonder what the designers of the apartments thought people might need to store for such a short period of time.

On Sunday afternoon, Paul gave us a short guided tour to the local supermarket called Ito Yakado.  It's actually owned by the 7-11 Corporation, the same convenience store we are so familiar with in the US. And they have several convenience stores around Japan as well.  The supermarket is actually a department store like none I have ever seen.  There are 5 floors, the first of which is food and household goods, the second is all mens and womens clothing and shoes, the third is children's clothing, shoes, stationary, electronics (tiny area), a book shop, towels and craft items.  Reminds me of a Super Wal-mart, but much more expensive.  The fourth and fifth are parking.  The first time we went to the grocery side, it was a Sunday afternoon and it was thronged with people.  There was barely enough room to maneuver the tiny grocery cart.  I was having trouble keeping track of Elizabeth in the crowd even though she was always just next to me, much less trying to read labels and decipher the kanji, katakana and hirigana letters looking for wheat, gluten or milk.  It took us 2 hours to buy a minimum amount of food and we mistakenly bought several items that had a secret dose of wheat.  And then a 1 mile hike back to the apartment.  Thankfully I had thought to bring along our wheeled carry-on luggage to tote groceries.

Here in Japan, MSG is not looked down upon as a terrible secret spice as it is in the US and other parts of the world.  It is also made from a different product and fermentation process.  It took us 3 or 4 days to figure out the MSG in Japan is made with wheat...yikes.  And not only is it made with wheat, it is sprinkled on top of or incorporated into many foods, including potato chips, sausage, meats, bacon and most savory dishes.  This was the source of my illness for the first 10 days in Japan.

On our first Monday we had to register with the city as aliens.  I am officially an alien, you now know my secret!  And we also registered Elizabeth in school, much to most everybody's surprise.  I fully intended to get her into school ASAP so that she could start learning Japanese.  But, we didn't know this yet, Elizabeth would only be in school for 5 weeks before the summer break and apparently it was anticipated we would wait until September to enroll her.  On Tuesday we had a meeting with the school principle, assistant principle and our translator.  Elizabeth got to meet her future classmates and we had a brief tour of the school as well as watched the swimming class.  Elizabeth did not want to leave school that day, which was very promising.  Wednesday was Elizabeth's first day of school and she was so excited.

Cheesy grin and all.

I went to school with her for the entire day, and the entire next week, all and every day followed by slowly decreasing amounts of time at school in the second and third weeks.  I was exhausted the first 3 days, mostly due to jet lag and gluten exposure.  I didn't have much to do except constantly direct Elizabeth in what was expected in class.  Which is to say, she needed my constant undivided attention.  Even though we did several things repeatedly, she still did not understand what to do.  In all fairness, it is her first experience with formal schooling, and all in a foreign language which neither of us had any knowledge of previously.  So she had to learn by following, something Elizabeth has never been terribly adept at and something the Japanese culture strongly encourages. I'll get more into the cult of conformity in a different post.

For those curious readers, the same subjects are taught in first grade in Japan as in the US.  Reading, writing katakana and hiragana (Japanese alphabet), basic addition and subtraction, manipulation of numbers, science (plants and such so far), arts and crafts, music.  This so closely follows the same subject matter I covered at her age I was a bit surprised.  They do assign a lot more homework, sometimes 20+ arithmetic problems and copy work in katakana EVERY SINGLE DAY.  This follows very closely to what we did in home school, so I don't get too much hassle from Elizabeth but there are afternoons when it takes an exceptionally inordinate amount of time to finish.  Plus Elizabeth is expected to keep up her English skills by reading and copy work every day (assignments from me). Thankfully, she is ahead in math so we don't usually spend a lot of time figuring out the problems, but we spend more time re-writing the answers because her numbers are unreadable.  The Japanese children, by contrast, have extreme control of handwriting, especially for the katakana and hiragana which are more difficult to write then the English alphabet.  In public with their parents, the children are usually well behaved except for the very young, but school is a different matter.  The children are just as wild and rambunctious in school as their counterparts in the States which, from what I was expecting, is a bit different and a big relief.  Elizabeth seems to fit right in with her classmates on the rambunctious scale, even with a language barrier.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Arrival in Japan, day 1

We have arrived.  Well, it took me 3 weeks to get back to posting because I was so ill so that should indicate exactly how interesting our lives have been recently.  Japan had a few surprises for us in store despite all the reading, research and questions posed beforehand.

First, at the airline counter for check-in, the counter front piece fell on my mother's foot and severely injured her foot.  She is now almost completely recovered, 3 weeks later, after a visit to the ER at home upon landing.  I have no idea what happened except to say that one minute she was next to me and the next she was crushing my arm and about to fall.  The counter front-piece is that portion of the counter that when standing at the counter, it hides everything behind the counter.  For some reason, it was not secure.  The airline did get her a wheelchair and arranged seating for us that would prevent her from having to limp too far down the aisle.  They also arranged a wheelchair at her next flight, and the paramedics checked her over before we left.  Usually, at check-in, I would have asked about our meals which would have prevented the next problem.

On the plane trip over, the airline did not have out gluten-free meals.  Normally, under other dietary restrictions, (maybe other then diabetes) not having your special meal is not too big of a deal.  But being celiac means that if I get gluten, I pay for it dearly.  Milk is also an issue and although cheese is usually ok, if I am in a celiac flare it is also a no-no.  Normally lasts for at least 2 weeks, this time it seems to be for a bit longer (more on why in the next post).  First I get the stomach cramps and the intestinal cramps than the terrible painful result of that (no details!).  I think you can use your imagination on that part.  Then the other, not so bad effects: red skin, fuzzy brain, small bumps on my skin which usually itch, headaches, tiredness (borders on exhaustion some days but varies widely), swollen joints, inflammation all over, red eyes...I think that's all the symptoms but I'm not sure.  My rheumatoid arthritis (RA) usually flares up at some point for 4-5 days and I increase pain medication and hope that the day of my Humira shot gets here fast and that this exposure won't trigger a full-blown RA flare for several weeks.

I fail to understand why, when I explain to the flight attendent that I cannot eat gluten because it will hurt more then it's worth, why do I feel guilty?  I didn't forget my meal.  I called the airline and requested the meal.  The flight attendants did their absolute best.  And usually we carry gluten-free meals and snacks with us on the plane but this time we didn't because we had too much other stuff to deal with (mostly 8 injections of Humira at a retail cost of $8000) including the immigration issues.  Well, we did get some food, mostly from first class: rice, cheese and some fruit.  And the flight attendants make their own group lunches in flight and they had salad which I was completely happy with if a bit hungry.  Elizabeth on the other hand, poor girl, did not want what they had offered.  We had to bend the rules a bit and I know she paid for it (although not with tummy cramps thankfully).  But 12 hours with no reasonable amount of food and knowing we had no food waiting for us was severely depressing.

After a 3 hour flight, followed by a 12 hour flight, a 2 hour bus ride and 15 minutes of taxi, we were all zombies but present in Wakoshi, Saitama, Japan.  Just trying to keep my head up and my feet moving, my daughter from complaining too much and my husband on the focused track of getting us to our new home.  It was a lot to ask.  Then poor husband had to go out again to find us something to eat.  I don't even remember what it was we ate.

Next, I'll post about the interesting search for hot water, gluten-free food, evil-evil MSG and the first days of first grade in Japanese.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Visa limbo

Monday, June 11, 2012
T-minus 4 days to Japan.

Now, we are in visa limbo. I always heard about these limbo visa states and wondered what that must be like. What torture. Terrible, painful unknowing torture. But in fact, at this point, I really don't care. I will not be leaving my daughter in the US, you can imagine where I might suggest 'they' put there visa's, certificates and paperwork at this point.

Let it be known that I had intimations it might happen this way, but shh, don't mention that to the male half ;)
The sticking point is that Elizabeth is not Kurt's biological daughter (gasp!).  I can get a visa through Kurt but Elizabeth can't because I would be her sponsor and I don't actually hold a visa myself.  The really ridiculous part of this is that initially we sent all the documents over to Japan for all 3 of us.  But they were unable to issue the documents for Elizabeth and sent us to the embassy saying it would get fixed here.  Guess what?  They won't do anything without the certificate from Japan.  Wow, and I thought the bureaucracy was bad in the US. 
So tonight we review all possible solutions to this predicament.  What fun.  Not what I thought I'd be doing 4 days before I left for Japan.  All previous logistical data is out the window, let's start basically all over again.  Let's do another cost analysis to compare the benefits and expenses just one more time.  Just because I'm bored and have nothing else to do 4 days before leaving the country for a supposedly year.  Which has been planned out to the nitpicking details for the past 4 months in excruciating, agonizingly painful detail with contingency plans.  Sigh.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

NOLA and B in B

Ahh, what a trip to New Orleans.  It was fun, busy, fantastic, good food, fabulous people.  The wedding was a blast (I sure hope the bride and groom enjoyed it, they seemed very occupied with all the things to be done at the event) and it was a beautiful day.  I was able to see many old friends and visit with family.  Kurt attempted, twice, to keep up with the natives but alcohol is just not his forte.  The first attempt landed him on the sofa of little brother's living room until we headed back to my parents house at about 1 am on Friday morning.  The second attempt left him ill for 2 days.  I'm not sure if it was the alcohol or virus/flu.  We did make it to the French Quarter on Monday for a short visit and lunch with a favorite cousin.  But the driving was brutal because we were staying at the parents house 1 hour north.  So we ended up driving back and forth Thursday, Sunday and Monday.  I used to make this drive many times a week but this time I was dreading the commute on Monday.  I feel like a human ping pong ball bouncing along I-10, back and forth, back and forth.  It was worth it though, many of the people I visited I shall not see for a year or more.  Sadly I realized that since we will not be able to attend the next wedding (my niece is getting married in June just after we leave for Japan) it may very well be a funeral the relatives gather for the next time.  My cousin Michelle pointed out that I am one of only a very few of our family who live outside of Louisiana.  And one other cousin that lives outside of the home state spends as much time as possible and plans to retire to New Orleans in another several years.  I wonder if I will feel that way about New Orleans in another 15 years.

Back in Boston (B in B) as of 1030 last night.  And now we are down to the 3 week 2 day countdown.  This is the time when I am accomplishing vast quantities of work and wondering how the hell I'm going to get it all done.  We walked in the door last night about 1130 and I immediately felt overwhelmed (of course the condo is a mess from the initial phases of packing).  I had to make a short list: 1) complete statistics final project  2) file all taxes  3) pack for shipment to Japan  4)  Paperwork for medications for Japan  5)  Finish E's homeschooling  6)  Move/pack condo into E's room.  I shant worry about all of it now, but I shall immediately commence with the final project because it is due in 2.5 days...and so I'm off!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

In which much is revealed

April 15, 2012

I got the results of my blood work and they were even better then I had hoped.  Finally.  I am actually below the diagnostic levels where RA could accurately be diagnosed without a previous history of RA.  The rheumatologist was shocked, I was all smiles.  I am so glad Kurt goes with me to these appointments, I really don't like this doctor very much at all.  I am still celiac, always will be, but at least RA may be playing a reduced factor in my future.

We purchased plane tickets for Japan, so the move is official official at the cost of $5200+.  We leave June 15th.  We now have exactly 61 days.  Of those 61 days, we will only be in Boston (and thus able to pack/prepare) for another 35 days.  We leave this Wednesday for Adam and Enny's wedding in NOLA.  And Elizabeth goes to her father afterwards to begin her 6 week visit.  So, ostensibly, I should have 27 days to complete federal & state taxes, medical documents for Japan, packing and shipping household goods, preparing the condo for rental and remembering all those other things I want/need to do before leaving for Japan WITHOUT caring 24/7 for a needy, demanding, difficult 6 year old.  And this past week, she has been very difficult.

It doesn't help that we both got sick at the end of last week while Kurt was off to California for a conference.  It doesn't help that Elizabeth woke me Saturday morning in near febrile seizures (which she is prone to at temps over 102) and I was a bit out of it myself.  It certainly doesn't make things any better that she had a 104 degree temp most of Saturday, that I was beginning to worry about her a lot.  I dragged her out of the house in early Saturday afternoon when her temperature was as low as I could get it, to the health store to see what they could offer me for viral/flu/cold in either homeopathy or herbs.  We came home quickly, but the traffic slowed us down a lot.  By the time I got her home, her fever was back up.  Into a lavender flower bath with chamomile tea bags, wrapped her up in warm pjs,  plied her with chamomile tea and honey and anything I could get her to eat short of candy, and turned on Star Wars: A New Hope (episode 4).  I had decided it was high time to introduce her to Star Wars and this was prime time since she would sit still.  For a girl with her energy, E was downright catatonic from the fever/illness.  She went to sleep in my bed that night and slept, thankfully, the whole night.  And I played Easter Bunny for Sunday.

Sunday E and I cooked most of the day since it was Easter.  First I put the roast in to marinate.  Then we dyed eggs.  This was my first attempt at a lamb roast and gluten-free rolls.  Kurt got home from the airport about 6.  We had tomatoes with basil leaves and balsamic vinegarette as an appetizer.  Then Kurt took E out for the annual egg hunt while I finished dinner and made a gluten-free chocolate cake (per E's multiple requests).  Then we had dinner, it was delicious, while we continued watching Star Wars.  Dessert was also very good.

Monday, E started again with a fever but not as high.  Tuesday was not much better.  Lots of crying and whining, complaining and carrying on.  Tuesday night, E was getting better and Kurt said he wasn't feeling so great.  Wednesday night, Thursday and Friday Kurt was down and out with whatever this illness was (we assume flu).  I still had not gotten sick.  I thought I had skated by.  But no such luck.  Saturday night, I had a low-grade fever and I went to bed early.  E started crying sometime right after I had fallen asleep and then I couldn't go back to sleep for several hours.  Today I am better, but low on energy and I have had a headache all day.  I sure hope I am better tomorrow because at some point I have to pack for the trip this week.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Famous Elizabeth Days...

Oh famous days...

We have developed a new policy at home where if anyone (specifically Elizabeth) leaves personal items in the living areas of the house, they get charged a 10 cent fine (Thanks to Valerie for such a great idea!).  Kurt, since 10 cents is such a meager charge for him, has to do extra kitchen clean-up.  This has been working to keep things cleaned up and put away around the house.

Tonight, I walked into E's room, looked around and proceeded to lecture Elizabeth that if she didn't clean up her room by dinner time the next day, she would have to pay me a $1 fine for a messy room.  After a few hems and haws, clarifications, etc, I ask E for the second time if she understands.  She gives an affirmation.  Then E follows this up with, "...and if I don't feel like doing it Mom, I'll pay you $2."


Thursday, March 29, 2012

Fast and Furious

78!  Days!  7-8!

These past 2 weeks have been much about the work involved in going to Japan.  Japanese government requires a pile of documentation for prescription medication as well as OTC medicines.  There are also very strict rules about what can be brought into the country, even for personal use.  Any medications brought in must be cleared by the government first through a lengthy set of paperwork and documents from your current doctor.  And there is a limit on the amount of medication you can bring into the country.  In my situation, this is going to be, I hope, fairly easy since my medical condition has a fairly typical treatment protocol.  So I will have to obtain a doctor almost immediately to continue my current medications.

But I must also get one for E because she also has an epi-pen for her possible allergy to strawberries.  Any medication which involves a syringe also requires declaration.  In addition, only a 2 month supply of vitamins (I take several supplements) can be brought in.  And no, you can't mail yourself medication from home.  They do check the packages and you can be arrested on the spot for breaking the law.  Wow, scary stuff.

In addition, we have to change our medical insurance because the current insurance doesn't cover anything outside of the US.  What a headache.  That means possibly needing to locate new doctors here as well.

And pile on to this the plan to sublet our condo out while we are away.  I've left that little project to Kurt.  He hasn't yet been very successful in getting much done with it.

And let's see, there seems to be a pile of other things that need doing, like getting E's school evaluation complete before she leaves for Louisiana on April 18th.  And finishing her school work ahead of time since I know nothing will likely happen once she is with her father for 6 weeks.  I'll be fortunate to get back a daughter with some semblance of a brain.  I could be wrong, I truly hope I am wrong for E's sake.

Oh and let's not forget federal and state taxes for 2 different states and the pile of itemizations I will be doing for the medical expenses last year.  Add to this my current graduate statistics class, the normal household chores, E's classes (gymnastics, soccer and swimming every week), the packing planning, the plethora of doctor appointments we have each week and some where in there I usually walk 30-40 minutes every day.  It's a lot on our collective plates and no wonder we feel overwhelmed at the prospect of leaving in t-minus 78 days.

78 days!  Holy cow!

In those 78 days we also have a trip home for little brother Adam and Enny's wedding and an 18 day stay in Europe just before we leave for Japan.  It's going to be a fast and furious April and end of May.  Japan packing better be largely together before we leave for Europe since there are only 8 days between our return to the US and our departure for Japan.  And Grandma Pounders is escorting E back on June 5th.  This will be Grandma's first visit to Boston.  I hope we have lots of time to enjoy her visit when she is here.

78 days!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Fasten Seatbelt While Seated - Why?

FSWS for short

Why indeed.  Why: because I've read this particular sentence and several variations too many times to count, especially recently.  It seems to apply to my life both literally and figuratively.  Whether I bring on the challenges myself or they just happen to be a part of my history and my future, there is no shortage of where to apply this particular blog title to my life.  Period.

If you know me well, or even somewhat well, you are probably already aware of how well this may suit the overarching theme of my life regardless of how those events occur.

I've decided to start blogging because I never seem to have enough time to catch up on my personal journaling these days.  There never seems to be a good space, place or time to actually write my journals.  And the actual process of physically writing has become, well, painful some days due to medical issues.  So I've decided to try this method with the hope that I would be able to journal more often.  I have journals going back 25 years.  At least, I've been journaling that long although I may not be able to lay my hands on those journals since particular events may have claimed those writings forevermore.  Which is sad, but also another reason why I've considered this method.

I journal for myself, and perhaps my daughter.  No one else usually reads them and my daughter is not old enough to be allowed.  I blog primarily for this reason as well.

Finally, I am starting to blog because of our imminent move overseas which will perhaps leave a hole in my world.  And I've probably invited you to read my blog because there is a thought someone might like to share in my adventurous world, or because someone has expressed that there is or will be a hole I once filled for them.  This is my solution for those who enjoy living vicariously through others and sometimes through me.  I hope it will at least be entertaining.